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Neue Studien
Photodynamic Therapy in Reconstructive Peri-implantitis Therapy
Rakasevic D., Djukic Lj., Roganovic J, Sanz M, Blanco J. & Markovic A. -
Retrospective evaluation on complications of ceramic-reinforced PEEK abutments in fixed implant-supported restorations
Judith Hosbach -
Custom Root Replica Abutment-RRA concept to maintain peri-implant tissue and improve emergence profile in immediate implant placement and restoration
Burzin Khan, Amir Khan & Danesh Vazifdar -
The effect of Ceramic Reinforced PEEK abutments on peri-implant tissues – preliminary data
Anke Pichler, Elisabeth Steyer, Martin Koller, Martin Lorenzoni, Norbert Jakse & Michael Payer -
Adjunctive use of antimicrobial photodynamic therapy in the surgical treatment of peri-implantitis
Pier Paolo Poli, Mattia Manfredini, Francisley Avila Souza, Carlo Maiorana & Mario Beretta -
3 years follow up of ultrashort implants with back-taper design placed at different crestal position
G.Ghirlanda, Z. Kazak, M.Vasina & J. Neugebauer -
Complete digital workflow for full arch implant rehabilitation with immediate definitive prosthesis
Burzin Khan Danesh Vazifdar & Amir Khan -
The effect of Ceramic Reinforced PEEK abutments on peri -implant tissues – preliminary data
Anke Pichler, Dominic Morocutti , Stefan Sprinz, Martin Koller, Elisabeth Steyer, Martin Lorenzoni, Norbert Jakse & Michael Payer